Why Indian Ex-Muslims Formed a Movement Defending Secularism


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    Published on Aug 03, 2023
    About :

    In the southern state of Kerala, India, the Ex-Muslims of Kerala (EMU) – a group formed by individuals who have left Islam – is defending secularism and supporting those facing the serious social repercussions associated with abandoning the religion. Founded in 2019, the organization's members hail from diverse backgrounds, each with unique reasons for leaving Islam, ranging from stifled curiosity and issues of gender inequality to the tension between faith and scientific understanding. EMU President Liyakkathali CM recounts his own experiences, saying, “They’d tell us such questions about god are planted by the devil. I was once beaten for a genuine doubt. That is when I began to study religion on my own.” Yet, with the rise of far-right Hindu nationalism, the group finds itself navigating the delicate issue of Islamophobia. Amid rising anti-Muslim sentiment, they strive to differentiate between criticism of Islam and hatred toward Muslims. As Liyakkathali declared, “You cannot violate basic human rights because you are an ex-Muslim. Groups such as ours are formed not to destroy Islam but to fight for the right to life that ex-Muslims have as much as others.”

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