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On April 6th, a 56-year-old Indoneisan former Muslim cleric turned Christian Youtuber, Muhammad Kace, was sentenced to ten years in prison for allegedly posting offensive videos. Kace reportedly claimed that the Prophet Muhammad is unknown to God “because devils surround him.” He was arrested in August 2021 after many complaints were filed against him. Kace has been in detention since his arrest where, according to the Persecution International Christian Concern, he suffered inhumane treatment. According to local news, another inmate, a detained police official named Napoleon Bonaparte, beat Kace and forced him to eat his excrement. Prosecutors insisted on a 10-year jail sentence for Kace. According to UCA News, the prosecutors charged Kace with spreading fake information, which carries a heavier penalty, instead of charging him with blasphemy. Blasphemy cases in Indonesia have a 5-year maximum jail sentence, while misinformation charges can go as high as ten years. Kace’s lawyer said that they would appeal the ruling.
Indonesian Ex-Muslim Sentenced to 10 Years in Jail for Criticizing Islam
Location: Indonesia
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