On March 26th, Asa Hutchinson (R), Governor of Arkansas, passed Senate Bill 289 (Medical Ethics and Diversity Act), into law. This bill will give doctors and medical professionals an easy path to deny LGBTQ patients the medical treatment they require. Hutchinson noted that he believes that allowing medical providers this right is acceptable because of “the federal laws that prohibit discrimination.” The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are concerned that critical services will be denied to LGBTQ patients. The state Chamber of Commerce is also against the bill stating that it sends the wrong message about the state of Arkansas. Hormone treatments for transgender patients, patients requiring in-patient treatment for infection, or even grief counseling for gay couples are some of the critical medical care that could be denied. The bill might also allow professionals to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control or override end-of-life patient directives.
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