On March 30th, the French Senate voted to outlaw the hijab for women under the age of 18 in public places. Also, hijabi mothers would not be allowed to accompany school field trips, and burkinis would be banned at public swimming pools. Before they are enacted into law, the new policies will first need to be confirmed by the National Assembly. France has historically strived to support its ideals of secularism or separation of state and religion, claiming that religious symbols like veils are against European enlightenment and individualist principles. If the laws are confirmed, then the age of consent for sex, which is 15, will be lower than the age of consent for hijab. Sacha Houlie, a French lawyer and National Assembly member, advised that this prohibition would cause some Muslims to withdraw from society further. In May 2020, the nation enforced the wearing of medical face masks on public transportation to reduce the spread of Covid-19. However, those seen wearing niqabs, coverings that cover the same surface, will still be fined.
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