Kurt Westergaard, a Danish cartoonist for the Jyllands-Posten newspaper since the 1980s, passed away at age 86. In 2005, Jylland-Posten published Westergaard’s controversial images of the Prophet Muhammad. One of the caricatures depicted the prophet wearing a turban shaped like a bomb. Westergaard intended for his cartoons to highlight the fearful self-censorship regarding criticism of Islam. These cartoons caused great consternation among Muslims across the globe, causing waves of violence that resulted in more than 250 reported deaths. This included attacks on Danish and other European diplomatic missions, attacks on churches and Christians, and a boycott of Danish goods. The attacks ignited an uptick of death threats against Westergaard. According to Reuters, in 2008, Kurt Westergaard stated that he has no regrets about his artwork, and he "wants to be remembered as one who struck a blow for freedom of speech."
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