On November 9th, Iran’s parliament confirmed receiving a bill that criminalizes owning pets, especially animals deemed “unclean” by Islamic law. The bill aims to expand the Islamic Penal Code to ban the importation, sale, and keeping of various animals. The “Bill for the Protection of Public Rights Against Harmful and Dangerous Animals" claims that “walking and playing with animals such as dogs and monkeys outdoors are harmful to the health and the peace of other people, especially kids and women,” and that such acts are against Islamic culture. It lists dogs, rabbits, and turtles as “wild, unconventional, harmful, and dangerous,” in the same category as snakes and crocodiles. Iran’s religious morality police have previously cracked down on dog and pet owners. Some conservative hardliners in Iran also view pet ownership as a “cultural invasion.”
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Iran's Bid to Ban Pet-Ownership
Location: Iran
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