Graphic: Syrian 'Rebels' testing Tekkim chemicals to use as chemical weapons - Syria News Archive


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    Published on Jul 29, 2019
    About :

    YouTube has been actively after this video removing it from all channels it was uploaded as soon as NATO agents report it. It's not only YT, also LiveLeak and other platforms removed it.

    We kept a copy for the world to see who had the chemicals, what is the source of the chemicals used, and who threatened to apply them without showing any remorse or fear of retribution.

    NATO propagandists continue pushing their narrative accusing the Syrian state of using chemical weapons on itself while the NATO-sponsored al-Qaeda terrorists are in Syria to protect the Syrian people from their family member in the Syrian armed forces..!

    Even after the international chemical watchdog confirmed that Syria has rid itself of all chemical stockpiles and the inventory was destroyed on a US warship, the NATO propagandists depend on the short memory and foolishness of their viewers continue pushing their narrative.

    More on this: True History of FSA Chemical Weapons Threats against Syria.

    Follow @ArabiSouri
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    informationwar news syria usa terror

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