It was fortuitous, I had to cross the fermon alley, I knew how dangerous it was, but I had no choice, if I didn't do it I would be late; I felt a knife in my back.
I started to get mugged, damn them! Out of nowhere something fell on the assailant, I saw a shadow move fast, dodging the knives that the thief threw, a blow, another one,
I could hear the poor idiot's ribs cracking.
The shadow tied up the wretch, he looked at me, I think he looked at me.
Then he shot a hook in the air and disappeared.
I had left a mission, I took the knife and I no longer cared about the appointment I would never make.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
!Que tal Gente de la ciudad oscura¡
Hace algún tiempo comencé a escribir la historia del "cronista" de Batman. Quien después de ser rescatado por el caballero oscuro siente que tiene una misión y es la de ir limpiando la ciudad de la escoria que el guardián deja con vida.
Las entradas son cortas, de un minuto, son 6, si les gusta esta subo las demás a hive y continuo escribiendo sobre este personaje.
Por favor dejen sus comentarios, me gustaría saber que opinan de este proyecto.
Muchas gracias
Howdy, people of the dark city!
Some time ago I started to write the story of Batman's "chronicler". Who after being rescued by the dark knight feels he has a mission and that is to clean the city of the scum that the guardian leaves alive.
The entries are short, one minute, there are 6, if you like this one I will upload the others to hive and continue writing about this character.
Please leave your comments, I would like to know what you think about this project.
Thank you very much
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
filmora #9
Musica de fondo:
Video realizado en:
Foto de minuatura y de portada:
Jessica Christian en www.unsplash.com
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