For whom do you take on your challenges? | ¿Para quién asumes tus retos? (Esp-Eng)


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    Published on Mar 27, 2023
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    Saludos amigos de la comunidad de Threeshorts, algunas ves te has sentido identificado con los retos que se nos presenta a diario, yo creo que si, pero hay un detalle que debemos tomar en cuenta a la hora de asumir retos, y este detalle tiene que ver con una interrogante que es la siguiente:

    ¿Para quién asumes tus retos?

    Estamos rodeados de muchos restos en nuestro día a día, algunos se nos presentan de un momento a otro, algunos son planteados por otras personas, y otros son planteados por nosotros mismos, lo impotente a la hora de asumir un reto es que este no sea para impresionar a otros o para aparentar que puedes hacerlo, es todo lo contrario, debemos asumirlos para nuestro crecimientos personal, muchas veces cometemos el error de matarnos o darlo todo por terminar un reto cueste lo que nos cueste solo para demostrar a otros que si podemos, pero esto puede que traiga consecuencias en nuestras vida.

    Creo que el mejor reto de dejamos asumir, es aquel nos nos trazamos en nuestra planificación de vida, como por ejemplo cuando nos proponemos comenzar a reunir para compararnos nuestra propia casa, aunque es un reto bastante difícil si lo logramos el beneficio sera para si mismo, y a esto me refiero, que tus logros valgan la pena para ti, y que todo el desgaste físico y mental durante ese proceso sea para un crecimiento en tu vida y no para impresionar a otros.


    Greetings friends of the Threeshorts community, sometimes you have felt identified with the challenges that we are presented daily, I think so, but there is a detail that we must take into account when taking on challenges, and this detail has to do with a question that is as follows:

    For whom do you assume your challenges?

    We are surrounded by many challenges in our day to day, some are presented to us from one moment to another, some are posed by other people, and others are posed by ourselves, the impotent thing when assuming a challenge is that this is not to impress others or to pretend that you can do it, it is the opposite, we must assume them for our personal growth, many times we make the mistake of killing ourselves or give everything to finish a challenge whatever it costs us just to show others that we can, but this may bring consequences in our lives.

    I believe that the best challenge to let us assume, is the one we set in our life planning, for example when we propose to start gathering to compare our own house, although it is a very difficult challenge if we achieve it the benefit will be for itself, and this is what I mean, that your achievements are worth it for you, and that all the physical and mental wear during this process is for a growth in your life and not to impress others.



    • Video recorded with my cell phone "Motog8 Power lite" and edited with the InShot application for android.
    • Welcome banner and thank you banner were designed by myself in Photoshop Cs6 graphic design software.
    • Source of the music background of the video
      Track name: Snowy Peaks pt I - Chris Haugen
      ℗ YouTube Audio Library
      Released on: 2021-12-13
      Auto-generated by YouTube.
      This Music Track above is free to use provided by the YouTube audio library studio (Specified in the description of the video to which the link will take you to)


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    threeshorts spanish hive shorts 3speak aliento life reflexion archon palnet

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