Hello Game Lovers
Happy Saturday to all of you and I hope you are enjoying weekend time.
I am back here to share the battle that I played with DIVINE SORCERESS.
Divine Sorceress is a reward edition EPIC card Life Monster but I did not have it before so I bought it from the market. Its price is not too high but certainly worth. Though I did not have this card, even I did not notice if I had done battle with anyone with this card. I think through this battle share contest @splinterlands team makes us aware of such nice cards and this so nice. I want to thank the team for this wonderful initiative.
This is the snapshot of battle that shows my team and opponent player team and this battle was played with maa cap of 24.
Both teams are ready for the battle as you can see in this snapshot-
I used below cards in my battle which I name here-
I have used cards from Life and NEutral monster for this battle.
I kept this Divine Sorcerer at the 4th slot because this is a card that is a good fit for damage to enemy cards but would not be able to manage hits on itself. I have good cards but another player also got pretty nice card however Goblin and Divine Sorcerer made the battle win because both did much damage to other team cards.
I keep on trying various strategy and its not that I win all the time. Sometimes I will and sometimes I lose and I think this is what gaming is all about. We must try out different ways to win and explore which way works best. Although this one worked and I won the battle but will try another in next further batteling and I like doing it. Overall this battle was so much fun and I enjoyed it. I also hope you will enjoy it too.
I am sharing the link here for my battle so that if video dont play then you can use the link to watch the battle-
Splinterlands runs affiliate program as well so if you want to be the part of the fun world then join it through my link below-
This is the official contest link-
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