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    Published on Sep 18, 2022
    About :

    Quiero compartirles por acá un video que grabé super orgánico, mientras dormía a mi hija ya que es un tema extenso el dormirla y realmente, en ese momento solo pasaba por el feed de mi instagram y me encontré con el perfil de uno de mis artistas favoritos, Robi Draco Rosa y justo me salen sus canciones y recordé muchos temas que cantaba como loco porque este tipo es un artistazo de esos que no abundan, ni salen a cada rato y cuando puse Penelope a mi hija de 8 meses no se si le gusto o no, lo cierto es que se puso atenta y me dispuse a cantarle 😂😂😂 ahí empezó a dormirse y lo logré🙃

    I want to share with you here a video that I recorded super organic, while I was putting my daughter to sleep because it is an extensive topic to put her to sleep and really, at that moment I was just going through my instagram feed and I found the profile of one of my favorite artists, Robi Draco Rosa and I just got his songs and I remembered many songs that he sang like crazy because this guy is a great artist of those that do not abound, nor come out all the time and when I played Penelope to my 8 month old daughter I do not know if she liked it or not, the truth is that she became attentive and I set out to sing 😂😂😂 there she began to fall asleep and I succeeded🙃

    Dormir a los niños siempre es un reto, tengo 2 hijos uno de 4 años y mi nena de 8 meses, cuando le buscabamos alguna cosa para dormirlos, escuchamos muchos comentarios y uno de ellos fué que no le cantara, porque si se le canta no se duermen, lo cual me causó mucha gracia😂 y mi comentario fué, es que tienes que cantarle canciones bonitas, no puedes cantarle regueton, porque ni yo me dormiría escuchando eso 😂 y la cosa es que mucha gente puede decir cualquier cosa y parecer que sabe lo que dice y aún así, no tener la mínima idea de lo que está afirmando y la prueba es que a mis dos hijos los he dormido con cantos, juegos, etc😁

    Putting children to sleep is always a challenge, I have 2 children, one is 4 years old and my baby is 8 months old, when we were looking for something to put them to sleep, we heard many comments and one of them was not to sing to them, because if you sing to them they don't fall asleep, which made me laugh😂 and my comment was, you have to sing nice songs to them, you can't sing reggaeton, because not even I would fall asleep listening to that 😂 and the thing is that many people can say anything and look like they know what they are saying and still not have the slightest idea of what they are saying and the proof is that I have put my two children to sleep with songs, games, etc😁😂 and the thing is that many people can say anything and look like they know what they are saying and still not have the slightest idea of what they are saying and the proof is that I have put them to sleep with songs, games, etc😁.

    Este video fué grabado por mi con mi telefono INFINIX 10, la Edición hecha por mi con Capcut y la Portada la edité con Picsart.

    This video was recorded by me with my INFINIX 10 phone, the editing was done by me with Capcut and the cover was edited with Picsart.

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    spanish threespeak threeshort music creativecoin neoxian blocktrades

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