Hive open mic week #86 Alegría para el mundo 🌍 (cover) 🎶@adrianalara🎶 Somos el pueblo de Dios🎶💕


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    Published on Dec 02, 2021
    About :

    hola, mi gente bella de openmic, les envió un abrazo y la bendición de Dios en esta semana
    #86 y como siempre aquí estamos cada sema en esta hermosa comunidad para compartir nuestro talentos y que con mucho cariño lo hacemos para todos los oyentes de esta hermosa plataforma de hive💜

    en esta semana quiero compartir con ustedes
    esta hermosa canción titulada; Somos el pueblo de Dios Cancion de Marcos Witt

    de mi punto de vista creo que si llevamos la palabra de Dios a todo rincón del mundo
    allí sabrán que Dios nos trae alegría a nuestras vidas, el es Amor, paz Alegría y todo lo que queramos en contra esta en ese Dios maravilloso el le dará paz y alegría a nuestro mundo si lo reconocen como su salvador

    así como dice el coro de la canción y llevaremos su gloria a cada pueblo y nacion
    dándole esperanza y nuevas de salvación y su amor nos impulsa , no nos podemos callar
    Anunciaremos al mundo de su Amor y verdad 🎶🙌🏼 que bueno es Dios Cristo les Ama mi gente hermosa 💕

    Hello, my beautiful people from openmic, I sent you a hug and God's blessing this week # 86 and as always we are here every week in this beautiful community to share our talents and that with much love we do it for all the listeners of this beautiful hive platform💜 this week I want to share with you this beautiful song titled; We are the people of God Song of Marcos Witt From my point of view I think that if we take the word of God to every corner of the world There they will know that God brings joy to our lives, he is Love, peace, Joy and everything we want against it is in that wonderful God, he will give peace and joy to our world if they recognize him as their savior. just as the chorus of the song says and we will bring his glory to each people and nation giving him hope and news of salvation and his love drives us, we cannot keep quiet We will announce to the world of his love and truth 🎶🙌🏼 how good is God Christ, he loves my beautiful people 💕


    We are the people of God Mark Witt We are the people of God We are a special people Called to announce The virtues of the One That called us to his light We are the people of God His blood redeemed us And his spirit gave To empower us And be witnesses of Him And we will carry his glory To every town in nation Bringing you hope And news of salvation And his love drives us We can't shut up We will announce to the world Of his love and truth 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶


    Somos el Pueblo de Dios
    Marcos Witt

    Somos el pueblo de Dios
    Somos un pueblo especial
    Llamados para anunciar
    Las virtudes de Aquel
    Que nos llamó a su luz

    Somos el pueblo de Dios
    Su sangre nos redimió
    Y su espíritu dio
    Para darnos poder
    Y ser testigos de Él

    Y llevaremos su gloria
    A cada pueblo en nación
    Trayéndoles esperanza
    Y nuevas de salvación

    Y su amor nos impulsa
    No nos podemos callar
    Anunciaremos al mundo
    De su amor y verdad


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    openmic spenish appreciator ocd curie threespeak musica gema livemusica community

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