JAMMING ZONE WEEK 31 || (On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand) The Graham Family Band 🎸🎶


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    Published on Oct 10, 2024
    About :

    Hi everyone, I'm @adese and I am so glad to be a partaker in this week's edition.

    There are times that we did not know the value that music renders to our body and that is just how it is. On several occasions, I have really been down severally and through it begin to get alive back even though I was really down.

    There are actually ways that music brings positivity to our mind that most of the time we always underate it which should not really be so. There are certain music due to my own personal preference that I did not listen to actually.

    Joining the jam initiative today, I will definitely be singing a popular song which is a song that always breathe positivity within me. It always makes me to remember that no matter what I am facing right now, I am still standing on the solid rock of Christ.

    It is a solemn song that is followed with guitar and which carries so much of power and love in that song. There is so much of assurance that flows from the song and which always make me to be optimistic about what future holds.

    Of course I make use of my guitar to play along the song and I must say it really flows along with the positivity that deeps flow within me. I am so sure you will definitely enjoy it.

    Once again I remain @adese

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    jam music threespeak sound contest

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