Good morning to all of you, I hope you are doing well. Last Thursday I went to a bar called Big Bang here in the city of Barcelona, in this space they usually do every week a Jam Session style free microphone, I thought I'd stop by to listen to some music and when I was there I thought why not sing me something.
Al escuchar la batería y demás instrumentos me emocioné y agarré mucho ánimo, como verán en el video empecé hablando sobre mi historia en este mundo del Freestyle y justo en el momento que estaba hablando estas cosas los músicos (que se prestaron para servirme de base) comenzaron a tocar una música suave y allí comencé a improvisar sobre aquellas cosas que me inspiraron para emprender este camino.
As you will see in the video I started talking about my history in this world of Freestyle and just as I was talking about these things the musicians (who lent themselves to serve as a base) began to play a soft music and there I started to improvise on those things that inspired me to take this path.
Disfrútenlo y gracias por su visita. 😃
Each person's life is a universe and each one has their own galaxies to discover, we all have incredible riches inside but we have to locate it and above all look within ourselves and less outside.Enjoy and thank you for visiting. 😃
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