"With arms wide open" - Creed cover [Eng|Esp]


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    Published on Apr 15, 2022
    About :

    First of all, a warm greeting to the entire Hive community! especially to all music lovers! a passion we have the privilege and joy of sharing on this platform

    Antes que nada un cordial saludo a toda la comunidad de Hive! en especial a todos los amantes de la música! una pasión que tenemos el privilegio y el placer de poder compartir en esta plataforma.

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    Dear hivers! It is for me, as always, a gratifying experience to be able to share with you the love for music, manifested in these live performances, made from home with a lot of passion and a lot of love for this community. Continuing with the musical "wave" of the 1990's and 2000's that I have been sharing lately, I bring you another song that will surely make those who listened to it feel nostalgic, a song that meant a great success for the group "Creed" among others that They also became quite popular.

    As an interesting anecdote about this song, I'll tell you that I've known the song for many years, but I didn't know what the lyrics said (my native language being Spanish, sometimes I don't understand what a song says just by listening to it) until some friends told me: "hey, we think this song would suit you, learn it to rehearse it together" and when I read the lyrics I understood that it was about the singer's experience when he found out he was going to be a father, coincidentally being the situation in which I was, with my partner at that time, approximately 3 months pregnant, since then this song has a special meaning for me. I hope you enjoy my performance! Greetings to all and many blessings, until next time!

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    Queridos hivers! es para mí como siempre una gratificante experiencia poder compartir con ustedes el amor por la música, manifestado en estas intepretaciones en vivo, hechas desde casa con mucha pasión y mucho amor para esta comunidad. Continuando con la "onda" musical de 1990's y 2000's que he estado compartiendo últimamente, les traigo otro tema que seguro hará sentir nostalgia a quienes lo escucharon en su época, una canción que significó un gran éxito para la agrupación "Creed" entre otras que también alanzaron bastante popularidad.

    Como una anécdota interesante acerca de esta canción, les comento que conozco la canción desde hace muchos años, pero no sabía lo que decía la letra ( siendo mi idioma nativo el español, a veces no entiendo que dice una canción con solo escucharla) hasta que unos amigos me comentaron: "oye nos parece que esta canción te quedaría bien, aprendetela para ensayarla juntos" y cuando leí la letra entendí que se trataba de la experiencia del cantante al enterarse que iba a ser papá, siendo casualmente la situación en la que yo me encontraba, con mi pareja en ese entonces embarazada de aproximadamente 3 meses, desde ese entonces esta canción tiene un significado especial para mí ¡Espero que disfruten mi interpretación! ¡Un saludo a todos y muchas bendiciones, hasta la próxima!


    Well, I just heard the news today
    It seems my life is going to change
    I closed my eyes, begin to pray
    Then tears of joy stream down my face
    With arms wide open under the sunlight
    Welcome to this place, I'll show you everything
    With arms wide open
    With arms wide open
    Well, I don't know if I'm ready
    To be the man I have to be
    I'll take a breath, I'll take her by my side
    We stand in awe, we've created life
    With arms wide open under the sunlight
    Welcome to this place, I'll show you everything
    With arms wide open, now everything has changed
    I'll show you love, I'll show you everything
    With arms wide open
    With arms wide open
    I'll show you everything, oh yeah
    With arms wide open
    Wide open
    If I had just one wish, only one demand
    I hope he's not like me, I hope he understands
    That he can take this life and hold it by the hand
    And he can greet the world with arms wide open
    With arms wide open under the sunlight
    Welcome to this place, I'll show you everything
    With arms wide open, now everything has changed
    I'll show you love, I'll show you everything
    With arms wide open
    With arms wide open
    I'll show you everything, oh yeah
    With arms wide open
    Wide open

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    A big salute to Mr.@ylich and his team for his support and great work on this community

    Un gran saludo a Mr.@ylich y su equipo por su apoyo y gran trabajo en esta comunidad.

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    image by : @juliopalomo

    Follow me! / sígueme! @juliopalomo

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    Tags :

    music threespeak livemusic musicforlife soundmusic ocd appreciator blocktrades palnet curie

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