Cover "Aquí estoy yo" de Luis Fonsi FT. Alex Syntek, Noel Schajris, David Bisbal - Jan Guevara


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    Published on Oct 13, 2022
    About :


    I dedicated this song to an ex who cried when I sang and played it to her, too bad she didn't appreciate what I was expressing in this song, but that doesn't matter, I already have someone who does appreciate it, although I haven't dedicated it to her, because I feel that dedicating something that already has a previous one is wrong, so it is better not to do it, I hope you like it and enjoy it because by the way, it is not an easy song to sing.


    Esta canción se la dediqué a una ex que lloró cuando se la canté y toqué, lástima que no supo valorar lo que le estaba expresando en esta canción, pero eso no importa, ya tengo a alguien que, si lo valora, aunque no se la he dedicado, porque siento que dedicar algo que ya tiene una anterior, lo siento como algo incorrecto, entonces es mejor no hacerlo, espero les guste y la disfruten porque de paso, no es una canción fácil para cantarla.

    Tags :

    spanish cover music musicforlife soundmusic rutablockchain mayvileros proofofbrain waivio

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