11 Gladius Cases Opening - One Legendary One Epic


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    Published on Jun 27, 2023
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    Ahoy! There has definitely not been much time between the last Gladius Cases opening and this one. With the last video I'm 1 Quora away from getting her to level 3 to get that crazy Immunity skill on her so yeah I was quite eager to open some more Gladius Cases already. I even opened a few, I believe like 3, between the last video and this one when I gained like 6k merits from the Brawl in between. Unfortunately no Quora in them xP

    Also opening some shortly before the Brawl would start is also quite benecifial just in case I find another Gold Foil Gladiator in there that I would then be able to use in the Brawl. So I recorded this video on Sunday before the Brawl started, but I didn't actually get to uploading the video and writing the post for it yet until now.

    I was going to open 10 Gladius Cases this time instead of 20. But then when I bought 10 Gladius Cases I was like hmm actually you know what it'd be nicer to open 11 then because that'll be the same number twice looks cooler than opening 10. And so here we are with 11 Gladius Cases to open up.

    Alright let's get to it!

    Starting of with a rare Palidon Rakk and oooh there is an Epic there! Hoping for Quora! I will open it in the end like usual. Up next are 3 rare Ajex Lightfoot followed by some Commons to finish of the row with 3 Chimney Wallstop and 2 Whistling Damon.

    In the next row I start with a Relenor Cleaver followed by 2 Alfredo. Then I find 3 Krash Wanderford and a Liza Fox. Oooooohhh a legendary awesome!!!!! I will reveal that one in the end.

    Moving on the to the next row I find 6 copies of Isgald Vorst, then it goes up with 7 copies of Bertrol Gobson. Now the amounts go down as I find 3 Witch of Warwick, 5 Helmet Kharafax and 3 Katrelba Gobson.

    Now onto the final row which is also a row of 5 cards that's pretty neat no cut off this time.

    I start that row with 6 Alva the Crusher. Then 3 Kotriphus Bayne, 1 Cutter Brieze, 1 Captain Katie and finishing off the row with 2 Sarius. Well a lot of Rares in this row it seems.

    But no Gold Foil cards for any of these Common and Rare ones :( I guess we would've wanted an additional row then so that there could be at least 1 or more Gold Foils for any of those Common and Rare Gladiators.

    Well time to check out that Epic now.

    And it is... Gorth! Aww kinda too bad that it isn't Quora but well the odds are 1/5 whenever you get an Epic so yeah hopefully next time more luck for a Quora!

    Now let's check out that Legendary. Will it be one of those that I was 1 away from getting to level 2 and be able to level it up or one of those that still needs 2 copies?

    And it is... FINA VOXOM 😍🤩 That's one of those that I was 1 away from levelling up sweeeeeeet!!

    Time to go to my Gladiators and see if some others can level up too.

    It looks like I have enough copies of Krash Wanderford and Hugo Strongsword to get them to level 5. Wow Hugo Strongsword getting a Heal ability at level 5 that's quite epic especially in games where Magic Monsters aren't allowed since he also has the Shield ability.

    I hit the combine all button to combine all of my Gladiators and get them levelled up. Now it's time to check out that Fina Voxom who is at level 2.

    At level 1 she has these stats:


    Time to upgrade her to level 2 now where she has these stats:


    She's getting an extra Melee attack AND also the Piercing ability. Really looking forward to use her with that Piercing ability 🤩 That could really help her to kill an opponent if they she has enough damage to pierce through the Armor and kill them.

    Did you open Gladius Cases recently and got a really good one out of them?

    That's it for this video. Thanks for watching!

    If you haven't signed up for Splinterlands yet and want to check it out, you can do so with my referral link at: https://splinterlands.com?ref=athunderstruck

    Tags :

    splinterlands spt gladiuscase gladiator legendary gaming neoxian hgc

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