Trote Con Zuni [Esp/Eng Subtitled] 馃敟馃敟馃敟


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    Published on Feb 05, 2024
    About :

    trote con zuni..png

    聽聽聽聽聽 En Argentina, azota una ola de calor que nos aplaca las ganas de salir, porque hace calor de d铆a y tambi茅n de noche. Igualmente, con Marce, salimos el fin de semana a realizar los burpees y de paso, realizamos un trote, que verdaderamente me cost贸 mucho, pero una vez concluido, es inmensa la satisfacci贸n que tengo.

    ! [English]

    In Argentina, there is a heat wave that makes us want to go out, because it is hot during the day and also at night. In any case, with Marce, we went out on the weekend to do the burpees and while we were at it, we did a jog, which really cost me a lot, but once we finished, the satisfaction I have is immense.

    Gif Zuni 1.gif

    聽聽聽聽聽 El domingo, nos levantamos temprano, por costumbre y mientras nos dispon铆amos a tomar unos mates, dijimos, vamos a ganarle al d铆a y hagamos los entrenamientos bien tempranos; Les digo que fue la mejora decisi贸n, porque luego volvimos, despertamos a los ni帽os y nos pusimos a cocinar y a disfrutar con ellos. No debemos dudar mucho y ponerle acci贸n a la vida.

    ! [English]

    On Sunday, we got up early, out of habit and while we were getting ready to drink some mate, we said, let's beat the day and do the training early; I tell you that it was the best decision, because then we came back, woke up the children and started to cook and enjoy with them. We should not hesitate too much and put action to life.

    Gif Zuni 2.gif

    聽聽聽聽聽 No hice muchos kil贸metros, pero lo importante es que despu茅s de dos meses, volv铆 a correr y la pasi贸n sigue intacta. Tambi茅n sigo enfocada, en los burpees diarios y cada d铆a se va complicando m谩s, pero estoy seguro de que con constancia lo vamos a lograr.

    Gracias por apoyarme.

    Hasta luego.

    ! [English]

    I didn't do many kilometers, but the important thing is that after two months, I returned to running and the passion is still intact. I am also still focused on the daily burpees and every day it is getting more complicated, but I am sure that with perseverance we will make it.

    Thank you for supporting me.

    See you soon.

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    ! [Spanish]
    Agradezco a Marcelo de @palabras1, que me ayuda en la edici贸n.
    Cr茅ditos a los logos de Hive, Threespeak y Full Deportes.
    Grabo los videos con mi celular Moto G22 y la GoPro.
    "Introducci贸n musical: 100% creaci贸n propia libre de todo copyright".
    M煤sica utilizada es de link 1.
    Aplicaci贸n utilizada para tomar los tiempos y datos del circuito es Sports Tracker
    Realizo el subtitulado a trav茅s de YouTube y VLC media player
    El editor de video que utilizo es el CupCut
    Edito las fotos con Canva Pro
    Mi idioma nativo no es el ingl茅s, es por eso que uso: deepl translator

    ! [English]
    I thank Marcelo from @palabras1, who helps me with the editing.
    Credits to Hive, Threespeak and Full Deportes logos.
    I record the videos with my Moto G22 cell phone and the GoPro.
    "Music intro: 100% own creation free of all copyrights".
    Music used is from link 1.
    Application used to take the times and track data is Sports Tracker.
    I do the subtitling through YouTube and VLC media player.
    The video editor I use is the CupCut
    I edit photos with Canva Pro
    My native language is not English, that's why I use: deepl translator




    Zuni Todo Terreno(1).png



    Tags :

    spanish deportes sports running correr entrenar creativecoin zing waiv training

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