#Hiveblog || Just A sunday Hive Talk


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    Published on Aug 23, 2020
    About :


    Dear friends,

    how are you ? hope you all will be happy and fine. my some friends Urdu speaker friends, sent to me some questions to me related hive, i tried my best to clear their vision in this video, i gave detail information about subject of hive, and hope you will get every answer of your questions, first sorry, i got late in this regards, but i was thinking, i should guide to you all, you all are working very nice, you are all successful, so i thoughts to speak in Urdu that you all understand what i am going to say to you all. so if you find my this video helpful and informative then never forget to give me comments related this talk.

    dear friends now my subject is nature mileidy thoughts, so you also hunt a subject , so if you have grip in sports, or politics , try to find out that what is your subject of life, and what are thoughts that you have inner , and then try to bring them , so subject is very much important, and you have to go to the deepth of subject ,

    for this purpose it is very much important , never copy paste any other people subject in your blog, get find subject of your blog, so this subject will help you to build your life, so dear friends, there are a lot of subject, but every subject demand your thoughts feeling , that you want to make in shape of ink

    hope you all will get your all questions answers, so if you find this video helpful then give comments me.

    hope you all will find my this video informative .

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