A Day With Friends & Visit to Sugarcane Field ,MY Trip to Sweet Sugarcane Crop


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    Published on Dec 27, 2021
    About :


    My dear friends!

    how are you all Today I went to see the sugarcane crop with my friends. Sugarcane season and after a few days the harvesting of sugarcane in my area will start.

    My friends and I went to see our friend's sugarcane crop and we ate very sweet sugarcane.

    The sugarcane crop in our area has been very good this year. The production of sugarcane in our area this year is much higher than last year.

    Sugarcane juice is made and especially sugar is also obtained from sugarcane. People in our area traditionally make gur from sugarcane. Today's video is very interesting and I had a lot of fun with my friends.



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