Afri-tunes week #101, There's nothing by Eben ft Tope Alabi


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    Published on Feb 15, 2024
    About :

    Welcome to my blog afritunes community and my fellow singers ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to God almighty for this privilege and also afritunes community first r creating this kind of platform because without this I wouldn't be able to present songs here .
    This week I will present a song titled: There's nothing by Eben ft Tope Alabi.

    This is what really inspired my about the song
    Looking back on my life, I can see how God has been there with me through it all. The highs and lows, the good and bad - He has never left my side. This inspiring song by Eben and Tope Alabi reminds me of God's constant presence and guidance.

    When I was younger, I didn't always walk the right path. I got mixed up with the wrong crowd and made some poor choices. Those days were dark, and I felt lost. But God kept after me. He sent people my way to point me back towards the light. He answered my late night prayers for the strength to change. Without God, I don't know where I'd be today.

    God has also been there in times of grief and hardship. When my grandmother passed away, that sorrow was too heavy to bear alone. But I felt God's arms around me, comforting me in my sadness. His strength helped me put one foot in front of the other to get through the mourning. I know He cries with us when we cry.

    God blessed me with a loving family. Seeing my children born and taking their first steps, hearing their laughter - those are the moments I feel God's goodness most. My family is a gift, and I'm so thankful for the joy they bring. We keep each other grounded in faith through both good and bad.

    No matter what I face in life, God remains. He is the lighthouse guiding me safely to shore through stormy seas. His love has no end; it goes on forever. Even when I stray off the path, He waits patiently to welcome me home. For all the blessings in my life, I have God to thank.

    This song reminds me that God walks with us always. He celebrates our triumphs and carries us through our defeats. His divine light illuminates even the darkest corners. When I feel I have nowhere left to turn, God is there. For that constant presence in my life, I am forever grateful.

    Here are the lyrics of the song which is written by me

    You are Omega
    You are alpha
    You showed me a marvelous you are
    You are Omega
    You are alpha
    There is nothing impossible with you .

    Tags :

    afritunes afrwk101 music beatzchain neoxian waivio proofofbrain sound creativecoin cent

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