Singing Voice Week 44🖤 Pukuconcurso/the Great Tribulation Epica 🎶Arregl Flauta🎶🖤✨


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    Published on Dec 08, 2022
    About :


    Holaaa amigos de Hive y de esta maravillosa comunidad @Pukumundo Para motivar a los músicos a expresarse, entro yo con está canción para la voz cantante semana 44 vuelvo aqui en la comunidad 🤩🤟🏼🖤

    Hello friends of Hive and this wonderful community @Pukumundo To motivate musicians to express themselves, I enter with this song for the singing voice week 44 I'm back here in the community 🤩🤟🏼🖤


    The Great Tribulation

    una nueva canción de epica que trata de las tribulaciones que han acontecido en el mundo y sobre el bien y el mal para mi esta cancion es mi favorita del album alchemy proyect lanzado hace unas semanas por la banda y aunque la cancion esta en una tonalidad algo compleja pude sacarle una parte de la cacnion que es mi favorita y es la que me conecta mas a lo que quieren decir aparte del ritmo y la sonoridad de combate que tiene

    a new epic song that deals with the tribulations that have befallen the world and about good and evil for me this song is my favorite from the album alchemy project released a few weeks ago by the band and although the song is in a somewhat complex tonality I was able to get a part of the song that is my favorite and is the one that connects me the most to what they want to say apart from the rhythm and the sound of combat that it has

    descarga (2).jpg

    Istud malum
    Numquam visum
    Terra numquam ita laesa est
    Mundus miserabilis
    Tantus furor non iam oritur
    Postquam haec subiimus
    This is the greatest tribulation
    Don't give in to all the fear
    It will cause pain and suffering
    We can't escape
    It's part of our evolution
    Do not dwell on elegy
    Trust your instinct, it will always guide the way
    This is the full annihilation
    Just give in to our fate
    It will destroy all dignity
    We can't escape
    There will be no absolution
    Do not breathe in all the grief
    Trust your instinct, it will always guide the way
    Laws of time dictate our lives
    This moment we live in
    Will drive us faster to the arms of solitude
    This torment will force us
    To open up the doors to our awakening
    Spread light
    Let that inner force be on your side
    Spread light
    Trust the path, our fate
    Put into practice what you got along the way
    Tanget omnem iste horror
    Contra cladem nos armemus
    Te praepara
    Dancing on ruins
    In search of more power
    But we have forgotten
    To water the soil that forgives
    Let it live
    The moment we're living
    Reveals our true identity
    This moment we live in
    Will drive us faster to the arms of solitude
    This torment will force us
    To open up the doors to our awakening
    This moment we live in
    Will drive us faster to the arms of solitude
    This torment will force us
    To open up the doors to our awakening
    Laws of time dictate our lives





    Disculpen es que e estado un poco mal de alergias por eso mi voz al principio del vídeo

    Y bueno esto fue todo por aqui espero y les haya gustado y hasta la próxima 🤩🎶

    And well this was all here I hope you liked it and until next time 🤩🎶

    ✨Mᥱ ρᥙᥱdᥱs ᥴoᥒsᥱgᥙιr ᥱᥒ ᥱstᥲs rᥱdᥱs soᥴιᥲᥣᥱs ✨

    Tags :

    #pukumundo #spanish #rock #soundmusic #creativecoin #threespeak #music #mih #proofofbrain #cervantes #palnet #talentclub #flauta

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