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    Published on Aug 12, 2023
    About :

    Hello friends how are you?
    Today I am very happy to share this video, because this week was very productive for me. I've learned a lot of new tricks and that makes me very happy.

    Hola, amigos como estan?
    Hoy les comparto este video muy contento, porque esta semana fue muy productiva para mi. He aprendido una buena cantidad de trucos nuevos y eso me contenta mucho.

    Today's trick is Half cab Bs bluntslide, it's a trick that I've always wanted to learn but it scared me and I saw it a lot in the videos. So today I put myself to the test.

    El truco de hoy es Half cab Bs bluntslide, es un truco que siempre he querido aprender pero me daba miedo y lo veia mucho en los videos. Asi que hoy me puse a prueba.

    After several attempts I was able to get one that I liked, David had to quickly cut the video because I was going to bump into it just when I fell.

    Despues de varios intentos pude conseguir uno que me gustara, david tuvo que cortar rapido el video porque me iba a chocar con el justo cuando cai.

    I hope you enjoy the video.

    Espero disfruten del video.

    Tags :

    skatehive skateboard spanish palnet neoxian sportstalk pob vyb archon proofofbrain

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