Big Dream Trick "Bigspin Kickflip Fs boardslide" 🛹 👊 [Esp/Eng]


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    Published on Mar 02, 2023
    About :

    Hello friends.
    I am very happy to share this amazing video with you, as it is a trick that I have been waiting for a while. It is a trick that I have stopped trying because I have broken many tables trying it and my economic situation is not to be breaking tables all the time.

    Hola, amigos.
    Estoy demasiado contento de compartirles este increible video, ya que es un truco que vengo esperando desde hace un tiempo. Es un truco que he dejado de intentar porque he partido muchas tablas intentandolo y mi situacion economica no es para estar rompiendo tablas a cada rato.

    This trick is one of the ones that has cost me the most to do, it is really difficult, but with practice I was able to achieve it and I hope you enjoy it a lot. I suffered a lot to get it and I hope to do better on a next occasion friends.

    Este truco es uno de los que mas me ha costado hacer de verdad que es dificil, pero con practica lo pude lograr de verdad que espero que lo disfruten mucho. Sufri mucho para conseguirlo y espero hacerlo mejor en una proxima ocasion amigos.

    Tags :

    skatehive skateboard video art dreamtrick palnet neoxian sportstalk pob vyb

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