hive music festival week#74 R#2-jangan menyerah-d'masiv(cover song)by:samuelstifen


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    Published on Mar 12, 2024
    About :

    Hello friends of the #zonemusic community,
    I'm @samuelstifen. Today, the Hive Music Festival hosted by Musiczone has brought us to Round 2 on Sunday 74. We feel that this event is going very well, and the musicians here are incredibly productive and extraordinary in showcasing their talents.

    Here, we are enthusiastic about our work and never give up. We are grateful for the journey we've embarked on, making music a vital part of our lives for our happiness and that of others.

    For the Hive Music Festival Week 74 Round 2, I have chosen a song from my country, Indonesia. The song is titled "Jangan Menyerah" (Don't Give Up) by the band D'masiv.

    D'masiv is a band with a successful career and is quite popular among bands in Asia. They were even contracted by a label from Malaysia. Established in 2003, the band continues to thrive.

    and the song "Jangan Menyerah" has been a source of inspiration for me. It carries a powerful message, encouraging us to stay strong, never lose hope, and face life's challenges with resilience.

    It is essential to remember that God never gives us trials beyond what we can handle. Every trial is an opportunity for us to grow stronger and face adversities with gratitude and perseverance.

    Therefore, let's never give up and always be thankful for what we have. Live life with gratitude, happiness, and peace, as these are the keys to enjoying life.

    I hope my performance and presentation this week bring joy to my friends. If there are any mistakes in my singing or presentation, I apologize, and I look forward to meeting you all next week.
    Thank you for your support.


    Tak ada manusia
    Yang terlahir sempurna
    Jangan kau sesali
    S'gala yang telah terjadi

    Kita pasti pernah
    Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
    Seakan hidup ini
    Tak ada artinya lagi

    Syukuri apa yang ada
    Hidup adalah anug'rah
    Tetap jalani hidup ini
    Melakukan yang terbaik

    Tak ada manusia
    Yang terlahir sempurna
    Jangan kau sesali
    S'gala yang telah terjadi

    Syukuri apa yang ada
    Hidup adalah anug'rah
    Tetap jalani hidup ini
    Melakukan yang terbaik

    Tuhan pasti 'kan menunjukkan
    Kebesaran dan kuasa-Nya
    Bagi hamba-Nya yang sabar
    Dan tak kenal putus asa

    Jangan menyerah
    Jangan menyerah
    Jangan menyerah
    Jangan menyerah
    Jangan menyerah
    Jangan menyerah, oh-oh

    Syukuri apa yang ada
    Hidup adalah anug'rah
    Tetap jalani hidup ini
    Melakukan yang terbaik

    Tuhan pasti 'kan menunjukkan
    Kebesaran dan kuasa-Nya
    Bagi hamba-Nya yang sabar
    Dan tak kenal putus asa
    Dan tak kenal putus asa


    There are no humans
    Who are born perfect
    Don't regret
    All that has happened

    We have surely
    Faced tough trials
    As if this life
    Has lost its meaning

    Be grateful for what you have
    Life is a blessing
    Continue living this life
    And do your best

    There are no humans
    Who are born perfect
    Don't regret
    All that has happened

    Be grateful for what you have
    Life is a blessing
    Continue living this life
    And do your best

    God will surely show
    His greatness and power
    To His patient servants
    Who never lose hope

    Don't give up
    Don't give up
    Don't give up
    Don't give up
    Don't give up
    Don't give up, oh-oh

    Be grateful for what you have
    Life is a blessing
    Continue living this life
    And do your best

    God will surely show
    His greatness and power
    To His patient servants
    Who never lose hope
    And never give up
    And never give up

    Tags :

    hmf music livemusic cover threespeak palnet waiv proofofbrain creativecoin aliento

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