Lethal Company


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    Published on Jan 14, 2024
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    Jugando con mi hermano y sus amigos, se trata de un juego tipo among us, pero debes recolectar recursos en un planeta ajeno al tuyo, te comunicas con tus compañeros estando cerca, pero es un problema usar el chat de voz que viene con el juego, les recomiendo usar teamspeak o discord para que puedan entenderse mejor, como mi hermano está en la misma casa medio nos entendíamos, me mataron varias veces, me comió un monstruo, me mato una araña gigante, me disparo una ametralladora automática por querer traicionar a mi grupo caí en la trampa del arma automática, las risas no faltaron, estaba regañando a mi hermano porque gritaba cuando estaba a punto de morir, no entendía, hasta que me invito a jugar, de hecho, invitare a mi mejor amigo y su combo a ver si disfrutamos del juego como en los viejos tiempos cuando empezó among us.

    Playing with my brother and his friends, it is a game type among us, but you must collect resources on a planet outside yours, you communicate with your teammates being close, but it is a problem to use the voice chat that comes with the game, I recommend using teamspeak or discord so you can understand each other better, as my brother is in the same house half we understood each other, I was killed several times, I ate a monster, I was killed by a giant spider, I shot an automatic machine gun for wanting to betray my group I fell into the trap of the automatic weapon, I laughed a lot, I was scolding my brother because he shot me with an automatic machine gun because I wanted to betray my group, I fell into the trap of the automatic weapon, I was killed by a giant spider, I was shot by an automatic machine gun for wanting to betray my group I fell into the trap of the automatic weapon, the laughter was not lacking, I was scolding my brother because he was screaming when he was about to die, I did not understand, until he invited me to play, in fact, I will invite my best friend and his combo to see if we enjoy the game as in the old days when among us started.

    El juego es sencillo usas: w, a, s ,d para moverte, la E para agarrar objetos, te agachas en Ctrl, corres en shift, saltas en espacio y sueltas los objetos en G. Una vez se estaciona la nave espacial en el planeta tu misión es buscar recursos, esperas que se estacione como un satélite que te trae herramientas como linternas, te equipas con una y luego con el equipo vas hasta las instalaciones que se ven abandonadas, recolectas los respectivos recursos y te vas sin que seas atrapado por alguna abominación, trampa o monstruo que este custodiando el lugar.
    Regañaba a mi hermano por sus gritos, luego cuando entre a jugar era yo quien empezó a gritar, creo que casi despierto a mi mamá y mi hermanita, me hacía falta un juego así para liberar el estrés y reírme.
    ¿Te gustaría jugar Lethal Company conmigo? Podemos coordinar para jugar, mi purapapita#7177 este es mi usuario de discord si deseas jugar me escribes.

    The game is simple you use: w, a, s, d to move, E to grab objects, Ctrl to crouch, shift to run, space to jump and G to drop objects. Once the spaceship is parked on the planet your mission is to search for resources, you wait for it to be parked as a satellite that brings you tools like flashlights, you equip yourself with one and then with the equipment you go to the facilities that are abandoned, collect the respective resources and leave without being caught by any abomination, trap or monster that is guarding the place.
    I scolded my brother for his screaming, then when I went in to play it was me who started screaming, I think I almost woke up my mom and my little sister, I needed a game like this to release stress and laugh.
    Would you like to play Lethal Company with me? We can coordinate to play, my purapapita#7177 this is my discord user if you want to play write me.

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    gaming gameplay hivegc game games videogames hivegaming appreciator spanish palnet

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