Perfect Rui Fish Soup


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    Published on May 04, 2020
    About :

    Perfect Rui Fish Soup


    Nothing extravagant except for a yummy dish, which would make you somewhat ravenous and it would be a solid one as it is custom made and would remember some sound elements for it. While I didn't make it however my Mother made it. It was one of those dish which he figured out how to make while he was concentrating abroad.

    To prepare this dish, We will need:

    • Rui fish
    • potato
    • Tomato
    • Onion
    • Garlic paste
    • Green Pepper
    • Cumin powder
    • Chili powder
    • Turmeric powder
    • The amount of water
    • The amount of oil

    It is fairly a simple dish to make as what I have seen. Also, generally my Mother appeared to like it without a doubt. I guess it tends to be a pleasant nibble for kids. Healthy and as well as intimidating food.

    How to prepare?

    The key to making the "Perfect Rui Fish Soup" is the Rui fish. So we have to cut a Rui fish and pitch it. And it has to be washed well. As if the fish's hope, blood, intestines do not stick.


    Then rub the pieces of Rui fish well with turmeric powder and salt.



    Then potatoes, onions, green peppers, tomato should be cut into pieces.


    Then you have to take the stove And put the pan on the stove and give enough oil And the oils have to be heated.


    Then fry the fish pieces in hot oil for a while.


    Then take out the fish and fry the potato pieces well there Because potatoes do not want to be cooked easily.


    Then you have to pick up the potatoes And the onion pieces should be well fried. Then one by one you have to spread the pepper, tomato and garlic paste well.


    Then pour enough water and heat for 1 minute. Then the fried fish and potato pieces should be given there. If you leave it in the oven for 10-15 minutes, "Perfect Rui Fish Soup" will be made.


    "Perfect Rui Fish Soup"


    We when in doubt remember a couple of other sustenance things for our plate close by this dish. People love to have this with different southern style things. Moreover, many take it with hot curry.

    I cook it basically the current night. So all the photographs are straightforwardly from my kitchen. I believe you like my equation and gets.

    Declaration: This is original content of mine with own photography.

    Stay home and stay safe.

    Thanks everyone for visiting my blog...

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