Grumpy Dwarf // Weekly Battle Challenge


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    Published on Aug 31, 2021
    About :

    Peace Dear Splinters,
    Battle Ruleset:
    1 . Target practice
    2 . Equalizer
    3 . Mana cap 27


    The lineup of the cards in the arena
    Summoner: Wizard of Eastwood


    My opponent lineup presented cards from the life elemental aligned in the following order:

    • Flesh Golem level 3
    • Oken Behemont level 1
    • Wood Nymph level 5
    • Khmer Princess level 4
    • Furious Chicken level 3

    Here is a description of my team lineup
    Summoner: Lyanna Natura

    I could not even imagine facing in the arena monsters that have a low level of experience to this extent. It has been a long time since I won a battle with Lyanna as a summoner. It felt nice.


    My Battle Challenge LINK

    My strategies
    My strategy involved the equalizer and the speed offered by Brownie. Firstly, I had to bring my life point on all my monsters as high as I could. Secondly, the swiftness ability to all friendly monsters should increase my escape option each time I got attack by the opposite side.



    Did my strategy work?
    Yes, my strategy worked as described with the key element played by Brownie. However, Grumpy Dwarf shields my other cards in the line to give them the opportunity to reduce my enemies' monsters.


    If you are interested in the current contest, please get more information concerning the battle challenge shared on a specific theme Grumpy Dwarf, Splinterlands Weekly battle challenge

    Do I often select Grumpy to fight in the arena? why or why not
    I have hardly played Grumpy in the last seasons because I have not got the opportunity to level it up to the required capacity enabling it in the gold league competition. I am not really interested to play the Grumpy Dwarf that is the reason I have it on the rental market available to other players in the game.


    **Thanks for the battle challenge curation team. My lineup team selection was based on both defensive and offensive strategy due to the battle ruleset.
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    Warm regards

    Tags :

    battle spt battlechallenge playtoearn proofofbrain creativecoin cent gold silver untamed

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