HiveFest 2023: Schedule for Final Day 4 | CTT Podcast Video [ENG SUB]


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    Published on Aug 12, 2023
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    Hey Hive Crew,

    How's it going? It's NEO here :)

    Another short video clip from "Community Token Talk" Podcast with @starkerz @theycallmedan @hivefest

    And the final day is like the first part of the day will really be just go around Rosarito Center there's loads and loads of trinket shops and souvenirs shops there there's loads of art shops bars and restaurants people can go around that'll be really really cool I think it'll be really nice people to go down the little back streets and random market areas and just maybe even gone you know along the beach and everything like that there's a great pier there off the hotel we can go and chill right along at the end of the pier it's absolutely beautiful right in the Pacific Ocean so it'll be a day for you guys to kind of go around and see Rosarito for yourselves about 3 O'clock in the afternoon we've got The FREECHAIN Movie Premiere @little.lamb @lordbutterfly the guys that are behind that and their top guys you know Jovan @little.lamb his skills in directing movies are excellent got a whole team behind it the trailers and buildups of that movie so far have been amazing and so I'm really really looking forward to seeing the premiere there in Rosarito at 3:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday the 26th of September in the hotel in Rosarito Beach Hotel so that'd be really really nice and then to close up we've got just a fantastic restaurant called Encanto she's on the beach a lot of like Cliffy overhangs there into the sea and this restaurant's just one of the best places in the area the event there for the closing meal and then next door to that there's a drinking spa which is equally as spectacular on the overhangs and it really is a great place we'll have the drums going authentic spiritual feel I guess to close out the evening it'll be like you know the drums will be in your soul we'll all be a little bit drunk maybe having a bit fun saying goodbye so we'll finish off with closing drinks in Los Portales and that finishes at midnight and then we'll grab the bus back to the hotel and then obviously we'll have to figure out who and when and where everyone's leaving from the day after and make sure everyone's got transport to either Tijuana or San Diego airports and get everyone out there on the Wednesday

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    ***Legal disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. The advice here given is not a financial advice even though my excitement might make it look like such. Always Do Your Own Research!

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    hivefest threespeak hive leofinance community ctp roadtohivefest ctt podcast video

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