Emmanuel Horvilleur - 19. Cover by @naradamoon. [ENG/ESP]


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    Published on Jan 28, 2024
    About :

    Saludos! Espero que te encuentres bastante bien en este domingo, tal vez estés descansando o trabajando, sea como sea, que sea un momento prospero para ti.

    Hoy traigo una canción de Emmanuel Horvilleur, un músico argentino de género pop, tiene unas canciones muy buenas! Y esta es una de las mejores. Esta canción la canta con una colaboración con Gustavo Cerati cuando el estaba vivo, y la verdad es que les queda brutal.

    La canción comienza hablando sobre una joven chica que tiene muchos novios, 19 años y ya teniendo tantas parejas, ser promiscuo a esa edad es algo increíble pero creo que han habido muchos casos en el mundo. Posteriormente, la canción tiene un giro en todo sentido, tanto en el ámbito armónico como en el lírico. La canción sigue hablando sobre una ruptura amorosa en la cual hubo un mal entendido, diciendo "nena yo no fui el que te mando a matar, lo entendiste mal, no te quise lastimar" pasamos de hablar de una mujer con muchos novios a hablar de un hombre lamentadose por haber herido a su amor. La canción sigue diciendo que la chica supuestamente mal entendido la situación y que el no quiso acabar con su relación.

    Posteriormente, hay una parte interesante, que diría que es la parte más poética de la canción, en la cual dice: "Y en la soledad de mi cuestión emocional, tuve un plan genial, no lo voy a confesar". Pienso que dicha parte mencionada anteriormente se puede referir a dos cosas: la primera es que, internamente, ya el chico estaba cansado de la relación y decidió terminarla diciendo el típico argumento de "no eres tú soy yo" o la segunda, internamente decidio idear y llevar a cabo una infidelidad para acabar con la relación, el cual seria el mencionado "plan genial".

    Como sea, es una canción muy hermosa cargada de mucho sentimiento y con una melodía inspiradora.


    Greetings! I hope you are feeling pretty well this Sunday, maybe you are resting or working, whatever it is, may it be a prosperous time for you.

    Today I bring you a song by Emmanuel Horvilleur, an Argentine pop musician, he has some great songs! And this is one of the best. He sings this song with a collaboration with Gustavo Cerati when he was alive, and the truth is that it is brutal.

    The song starts talking about a young girl who has many boyfriends, 19 years old and already having so many partners, being promiscuous at that age is something incredible but I think there have been many cases in the world. Subsequently, the song takes a turn in every sense, both harmonically and lyrically. The song continues talking about a love breakup in which there was a misunderstanding, saying "baby I wasn't the one who sent you to kill you, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to hurt you" we go from talking about a woman with many boyfriends to talking about a man who regrets having hurt his love. The song goes on to say that the girl supposedly misunderstood the situation and that he didn't mean to end their relationship.

    Later on, there is an interesting part, which I would say is the most poetic part of the song, in which he says: "And in the loneliness of my emotional issue, I had a great plan, I'm not going to confess it". I think that the above mentioned part can refer to two things: the first is that, internally, the guy was already tired of the relationship and decided to end it saying the typical argument of "it's not you it's me" or the second, internally he decided to devise and carry out an infidelity to end the relationship, which would be the aforementioned "great plan".

    Anyway, it is a very beautiful song loaded with a lot of feeling and with an inspiring melody.


    Baby, 19
    are your years
    and your collection

    You have as many boyfriends
    as many girlfriends you've had

    Baby, it wasn't me
    the one who had you killed
    You got it wrong
    I didn't mean to hurt you

    Well baby you got it wrong
    I didn't mean to kill
    I'll never get over it

    And in the loneliness
    Of my emotional issue
    I had a great plan
    I won't confess it

    Well baby you got it wrong
    I didn't mean to kill
    our thing, our thing

    Well baby you got it wrong
    I didn't mean to kill
    what's ours I didn't mean to kill what's ours, what's ours, what's ours


    Nena, 19
    son tus años
    y tu colección

    Tienes tantos novios
    como novias ha tenido

    Nena, yo no fui
    el que te mando a matar
    lo entendiste mal
    no te quise lastimar

    Pues nena lo entendiste mal
    yo no quise matar
    lo nuestro

    Y en la soledad
    de mi cuestión emocional
    tuve un plan genial
    no lo voy a confesar

    Pues nena lo entendiste mal
    yo no quise matar
    lo nuestro, lo nuestro

    Pues nena lo entendiste mal
    yo no quise matar
    lo nuestro, lo nuestro, lo nuestro

    Font for the lyrics.

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