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    Published on Jul 03, 2022
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    How scared were "me"? πŸ˜…

    It is a loooooong story. But as you begin to read, bear it in your mind that me was not scared! πŸ₯Ί
    Never!!! πŸ₯²



    Few weeks before my 100 level 1st semester exam in January 2014, I became very interested in music and learning musical instruments.

    It was a tough ride for me because I had no close/personal teacher. I had met few of my coursemates to put me through the guitar learning process but we only met once in a very huuuuge while.

    This type of meetings don't guarantee progress. So, since I wanted to make progress I had to spend time making research from YouTube and many other musical platforms on the web. I joined various musical groups on Facebook and I entered many musical WhatsApp groups.

    It was a rough journey for me ooo!

    I gave up on several occasions, at a point I switched over to the Keyboard. With the "little" knowledge I garnered on my earlier journey, learning the Keyboard began to make some things clearer.

    I began with learning how to sight read/play sheet music. After battling with it, I paused for a while and learnt how to play Keyboard by ear/solfa notations.


    This is a picture of me taken on 5th April 2015. I was searching for what I don't know on the Keyboard. SHHHHHH 🀫 Don't tell anybody, I can't play by that time πŸ˜…


    Picture taken on 8th July 2015. I could play small... but this pose was obviously for the camera 😏

    It took me only one week and I began playing few songs with my major chords. Later on I started using minor chords to accompany and all.

    With time I began playing in the small Chapel for evening Mass. When my hands grew stronger on the Keyboard, I was allowed to play few songs for Sunday Masses.

    Little by little, I started claiming "village champion" and forming "best player in the world" 😌




    You've been waiting for this picture right? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    Little did I know that playing in the Chapel where few persons attended evening Masses and in the big Church where the Keyboardist stay by the side with the choir, isn't the same as playing in an outdoor space where you are at the spotlight.


    "Remember, I said I wasn't scared! You have to trust me" πŸ₯²

    Well, a friend of mine was invited for a Cantata program (Choral performance) which was scheduled to hold on the 28th of May 2022, sorry 2016.

    He is a saxophonist and a singer as well. Prior to this time, we had regular practice with the Sax and Keyboard, just for fun. But this time around he told me that we were going for an outdoor performance together.

    I accepted and I was really happy.

    He informed me barely 2 or 3 weeks before the event, and we had short time to practice.

    He chose the Latin Song "Ave Maria" by Franz Schubert. And I'll have to focus on doing arpeggios with my chords while he plays the melody.

    Due to shortness of the time, I couldn't start learning the original sheet music of the song. So what I did was that I looked into each chords of the song and tried to arpegiate in my own way, somehow similar to the main song.

    It was a short time to practice, but I had no choice.



    Of all days, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed on that very day.

    Village people 😭

    I had a lecture in the morning before going for the program later in the evening (4pm). The lecturer fixed the class on a Saturday.

    I decided to skip lectures for just that day so that i can prepare very well for the program.

    Then, I saw a message in the class WhatsApp group that an impromptu test was ongoing.

    In seven minutes I brushed my teeth, poured water on my face (half bathing πŸ˜…) and got to the class. I think the superhero FLASH learnt something new from me on that day because my speed was.... undescribable. πŸ˜…

    After the test, I remembered that my clothes were not ironed. I had to run back to my room. I waited for electricity for hours, there was none. Then I decided to go to a nearby Laundry Shop. I paid for it and it was done immediately .

    I spent much time in the rest room because I know that in occasions like this, you MUST feel the need to relieve yourself (minor and sometimes major) πŸ˜…πŸ˜… for those that understand me.



    I went earlier before the program started to rehearse, but my friend Emmanuel (Emmy sax) wasn't around. So I kept rehearsing alone.

    He came when it was almost time for our performance. I continued claiming strong man.

    When they announced, lets welcome Emmysax and Ksam on the stage.

    O boy!!!

    I wanted to go to the toilet again
    I was thirsty
    I wanted to practice once more
    I wanted to pour water on my head
    I asked them if they could bring the Keyboard down because it was at the spotlight πŸ™†β€β™‚οΈ


    I was so confused

    But I wasn't scared 😭

    Believe Me!!! πŸ₯Ί

    Emmysax calmed me down and we walked to the stage.

    As I got the the stage.... the Lord gave me a new commandment!



    I obeyed this divine inspiration faithfully 🀣🀣🀣

    I think all through the presentation, I only looked up twice πŸ˜…

    I made some errors, my hands were shaking oooo, but I managed.

    At the end, I was so happy because it turned out fine. There I met @chrismario and @magicfingerz Great men πŸ™Œ

    Lucky enough, I still have the video although it is a bit blurry. However I'll be waiting for your reaction, and if possible you can share your experience. 😁 (1).gif

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