HIVE OPEN MIC 133 | BILLIONAIRE by Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars


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    Published on Oct 29, 2022
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    🎵 Music Lovers of Hive Open Mic community! 🎙


    Hello my Hive Open Mic Family and Community. You are welcome to Hive Open Mic week One hundred and thirty three. The Theme of this week is "Opportunity", and this theme was chosen by the big madam herself @sekani. She doesn't have a duplicate; she is the original one, second to none.

    Please somebody should help me and ask @sekani when she will teach me how to sing, because I've been asking her and she dinno wantu tell me. Haunty Sekani is not fair ooooo!!!

    Hola mi familia y comunidad de Hive Open Mic. Son bienvenidos a la semana ciento treinta y tres de Hive Open Mic. El tema de esta semana es "Oportunidad", y este tema fue elegido por la gran señora en persona @sekani. Ella no tiene un duplicado; ella es la original, la segunda de todas.

    Por favor, que alguien me ayude y le pregunte a @sekani cuándo me va a enseñar a cantar, porque le he estado preguntando y ella no me lo quiere decir. ¡Haunty Sekani no es justa ooooo!


    8DAuGnTQCLptZgjHUrRAJGcW4y1D4A5QVJJ7zjzqqKdfVHSS6NapSCC8BmeEpY8wciwfdbzb4HAiXR1FRvGdtGCUha8U6xkx34XB5AatF5jeWr2MUfoS3aXSt4aYv4jyxc789c2M7NhfzpY22RJKNqxccG3xu3k7eMRpfhcNQ8W (1).png

    I had a hard time choosing a song that fits into the theme of Opportunity. In fact, it almost caused me severe headache because it took me back to the classroom atmosphere, one which I'm not yet ready to go back into for now. @sekani na you do this one ooo!

    However, one of my superpowers is the ability to think "outside the box, inside the box, within the box, above the box, without the box and like the box" exactly what I am talking about.

    So, in the course of utilising this awesome superpower you wish you had, I just thought about something NOT IMPOSSIBLE, and I asked myself:

    like play like play now, if you just win 1 billion dollars, wetin you go do with the money?

    In English:

    If I had the opportunity to win 1 billion dollars, what will I do with the money?

    Me costó mucho elegir una canción relacionada con el tema de la Oportunidad. De hecho, casi me causó un fuerte dolor de cabeza porque me devolvió al ambiente de las aulas, al que todavía no estoy dispuesto a volver por ahora.

    Sin embargo, uno de mis superpoderes es la capacidad de pensar "fuera de la caja, dentro de la caja, por encima de la caja, sin la caja y como la caja " exactamente de lo que estoy hablando.

    Así que, en el transcurso de la utilización de este impresionante superpoder que desearías tener, acabo de pensar en algo NO IMPOSIBLE, y me he preguntado:

    Si tuviera la oportunidad de ganar mil millones de dólares, ¿qué haría con el dinero?


    Immediately, I remembered how Merit.Ahama was already acting like a Whale when she was spending her one million dollars in her mind. You can check it out for yourself here, you know, I don't lie on Sundays 😁

    (please nobody should report me to her

    Well, I won't give a breakdown of how I will utilise the money, before somebody will quote me in the future just like I did to Merit.

    However, I'll be sure to utilize it well, invest in awesome projects on Hive and off-Hive, HELP MORE PEOPLE and become a Whale on Hive.

    And I'll also ask my surest DJ to play me Rich and Famous by the Nigerian Artist Praiz, as well as the awesome song Billionaire by Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars.

    Inmediatamente, recordé cómo Merit.Ahama se comportaba ya como una ballena al gastar su millón de dólares en su mente. Puedes comprobarlo por ti mismo aquí, ya sabes, no miento los domingos 😁

    (por favor que nadie me denuncie a ella

    Bueno, no voy a dar un desglose de cómo voy a utilizar el dinero, antes de que alguien me cite en el futuro igual que hice con Merit.

    Sin embargo, me aseguraré de utilizarlo bien, invertir en proyectos impresionantes en Hive y fuera de Hive, AYUDAR A MÁS PERSONAS y convertirme en una Ballena en Hive.

    Y también pediré a mi DJ más seguro que me ponga Rich and Famous del artista nigeriano Praiz, así como la impresionante canción Billionaire de Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars.



    I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad
    Buy all of the things I never had
    Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
    Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

    Oh every time I close my eyes
    I see my name in shining lights, yeah
    A different city every night, oh I
    I swear the world better prepare
    For when I'm a billionaire

    See complete lyrics at


    • Hive Open Mic Week 133 Banner, a property of Hive Open Mic Community.
    • Other images created by me using Canva and from my Samsung Galaxy A12 Camera
    • Translation via Deepl Traductor



    ksam is a "uniquely creative" Hive lover who combines his musical, writing, linguistic, video and audio editing skills to promote creativity and ideas in the Hive Community. (1).gif

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