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    Published on Sep 14, 2022
    About :
    It feels great winning battles but there is a greater feeling to beating the like of YODIN ZAKU, so when you have a beast in the form of DIEMONSHARK up your sleeve for a breathtaking battle then the battle is worth sharing.

    It was a fight in the Wild as I try to accumulate season chest. The might YODIN ZAKU showed up determined to prevent me from the next chest. Unknown to ZAKU, DIEMONSHARK had a sucker punch waiting to be delivered.

    Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 9_14_2022 10_57_34 AM.png

    Just so we know the beast, we are talking about, lets up out the Lore about DIEMONSHARK.

    Diemonsharks travel alone throughout the stars searching for prey and territory. They are fearsome beasts with lightning-fast reflexes. Diemonsharks are extremely territorial and attack any creature that encroaches on their land. The Chaos Legion trains them as transports for equipment. Since they can travel by air, ground, or sea, they are ideally suited for the task.

    They are fearsome beasts!

    Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 9_14_2022 10_42_31 AM.png

    Battle Ruleset
    Taking Sides



    Am sure some of you might have noticed am a fan of BORTUS, so it was my summoner with -1 Magic on enemy monsters. YODIN ZAKU opponent's summoner with +1 Range attack, +1 Health, and Blast ability.


    Fast with Armor waiting to be pissed off for the Enrage ability to be triggered DIEMONSHARK, led the lineup with Trample ability.


    TIDE BITER by now needs no introduction, a newly NFT reward card with Reach and Reflection Shield ability, it takes up the second spot in my lineup shielded against the Blasts.


    TORRENT FIEND was tossed in the third spot to occupy space and take a hit, TORRENT FIEND was the first on COUNTESS SINASH's list of attacks, a monster that has been working on my nerves lately.


    Armors are a must against ZAKU, in fourth place was VENARI WAVESMITH with +2 Armor on friendly monsters.


    Terrifying to behold, Deeplurkers are a poisonous fish that dwell at the bottom of the ocean and prey on the weak. DEEPLURKER was deployed in fifth place to attack and defend the balance of water elemental.


    They are a mysterious clan of people in ΛZMΛRÉ known for protecting the treasures of Eld from intruders, get any closer and you sure will be getting those Double Strike from AXEMASTER that might leave you wondering where the attacks are coming from.

    AXEMASTER in the backline, a battle in which none survived but DIEMONSHARK ensured victory for the balance of water elemental.



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