An arrow must be perfectly balanced on a bow string to hit its mark


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    Published on Jul 04, 2022
    About :

    Unlike most monsters in Splinterlands seeking for troubles and fights Archers would rather have problems resolved peacefully but it isn't there call to make whether to engage in battles or not, when summoned their presence on the battlefield is to restore balance.


    Perhaps some XENITH ARCHER Lore will do

    Archers adhere to this creed in their everyday life. They often say, an arrow must be perfectly balanced on a bow string to hit its mark. If it sits too far forward or too far back it won't be able to sail through the air.

    Like all Xenith warriors, archers would much prefer to find a peaceful solution to a problem or stay out of an altercation altogether. When they are pulled into a fight, they see it as a way to restore balance to a situation.

    Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 7_4_2022 8_55_15 AM.png

    Battle Ruleset
    Lost Magic

    It was a clash of Earth Splinters MYLOR CROWLING opponent's summoner with mine SCARRED LLAMA MAGE. MAGE being the choice because of the Last Stand ability.


    MYCELIC INFANTRY in first spot being one with very slow speed but make no mistake it is a beast hard to get pass with the Shield ability. Quite a solid Earth Tank without Magic opponents.


    Not having a Reach ability monster of choice I opted BEATRIX IRONHAND capable of attacking in the frontline with the Close Range ability.


    URAEUS is that annoying monster that sneaks behind enemy backline with poison at level 4, a target am looking at upgrading my URAEUS but until then at level 3 it does a good job being sneaky.


    Thieving is what GOBLIN THIEF thrives at, call it a good habit or whatever, GOBLINS rarely steal from each other, they will rather travel far the Splinter patrolling highways and raiding caravans. In fourth spot GOBLIN THIEF teams up with URAEUS for the sneak attacks.


    Pulling XENITH ARCHER into a fight you are most likely not going to get brutal inputs from them as seekers of peace.


    FLESH GOLEM becomes a force you don't want to be coming up against when the Last Stand ability kicks in unless you have a solid back up, otherwise the transformed beast in FLESH GOLEM with the help of SCARRED LLAMA MAGE puts the battle out of opponent's control.



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