Magi Necrosi In Target Practice


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    Published on Feb 18, 2023
    About :

    MAGI NECROSI's speed is often noticed in battles, being a card with a speed of 4 from level to max level brings an impressive amount of speed to the lineup.


    And being a Snipe and Camouflage ability card, I dread coming up against it and it was evident in this battle as it eliminated GRIM REAPER.

    It is a card worth upgrading and with just 3 copies in my possession, an extra copy is needed to have it at level 2.
    The Regular Foil is selling for $1.11 and the Gold Foil for just about $9.

    The Summoners

    Opponent's SummonerElementAbility
    THADDIUS BROODDeath-1 Magic & Health
    My SummonerElementAbility
    QUIX THE DEVIOUSDragon-1 Speed & Speed

    Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 2_19_2023 10_53_43 AM.png

    Battle Ruleset
    Target Practice
    Even Stvens


    It was a CURSED WINDEKU led frontline from my opponent and me and the Range and Magic monsters take on each other. WINDEKU'S rich Health and Thorns ability often makes it a card mostly used as a Tank.


    RIFTWING is a favorite card I have been using lately due to its Scavenger and Flight abilities. The place was to have it stay on the frontline after CURSED WINDEKU is eliminated but failed to work out as planned.


    For my lineups, CORNEALUS is often a suitable card for the Target Practice ruleset due to its ability to Heal, it finds itself in the frontline where the Thorn ability helped in eliminating the opponent's ARACHNE THUG.


    DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR comes in the fourth spot with the Sneak and Double Strike ability. It is the task to attack the enemy backline and it was a task that was successfully executed.


    Four hundred years before the first rift opened, the first whispers of chaos brought dark beasts under a blood moon to the Tower of Azdurj. Creatures of nightmare began hunting by night, lurking the valleys and crawling on the wind.

    In desperation, the acolytes of Azdurj sought forbidden tomes, long sealed beneath their tower. By the candlelight of hidden recesses within their tower's crypt, the first Necrosi were born. Forged to battle the spawn of Chaos, these bounty hunters are eager to take up the fight.

    MAGI NECROSI was eager to take up the fight in the fifth place, though it had its magic power and health reduced, but survived the battle.


    GRIM REAPER in the backline attacked from range with Affliction ability. Unfortunately, the opponent's MAGI NECROSI had GRIM REAPER in the third round.



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