The Scarcity Of Crypto Outlets In Africa


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    Published on Apr 02, 2023
    About :

    Hello everyone it's @Joetunex and @Josediccus here again. Today, we continue our crypto series by talking about Crypto Outlets in Africa. Crypto Outlets are like channels that create crypto awareness through utility and useful experiences.

    In this session, we talked about how important it was for people to understand crypto through familiarity because that was the major exposure that could create familiarity. @josediccus talked about earning Bitcoin through mining experiences back in the day and how that created the idea that there was a digital currency different from the traditional system entirely.

    Although he went on to say his knowledge about crypto came years later, he already knew about crypto by earning it for doing certain tasks on some websites back in the day. Outlets create and make the learning experience better.

    The difference between the continent and others is that Africa is a learning continent. People are exposed by familiarity and not by making research.

    We went ahead to talk about the barriers to sharing the experience of crypto with friends and family and the barriers that are often involved as well. @joetunex shared his experiences and it reiterated the whole essence of the video that people are often misguided about crypto because they had no firsthand experience.

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    crypto leofinance cent neoxian ctp archon waiv proofofbrain vyb africa

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