40 EOS Diamond Chests Opening + 3 Rare Card Giveaway


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    Published on Mar 16, 2022
    About :

    Chaos Divider.png

    Hello, Splinterlandians hope your end of season was full of joy and excitement. This season we were going for a top spot on the silver leaderboards we hit 3200 rating and that was still not enough for the top 25. So instead I decided to go up to diamond in the last 4 hours of the season.

    Little did I know you can't double jump so even though I had 3200 rating once I jumped up to gold I got capped out at gold 1 with 2799 rating. Thankfully I jumped into one battle and won and got up to diamond 3 at the very least.

    This season's rewards weren't anything special with the highlight being 612 DEC. No packs, legendaries or gold foils so that was unfortunate but here's looking to next season to bring us some better swag.

    How was your EOS good, bad, ugly? Let me know in the comment section below if you pulled some fire and where you finished for the season. Leave your username as well and what your goals are for this season to be entered in the giveaway.

    Chaos Divider.png

    Giveaway Cards


    The first card is the naga assassin a great 2 cost high speed ranged dragon monster.


    The second card will be the amazing life ranged card Venari Crystalsmith an amazing tank healer and a very good card for life in general.


    Last but not least the exploding rats are a card that excels in equalizer and melee mayhem/super sneak.

    All 3 of these will be randomly given away to people who follow the rules stated above.

    Chaos Divider.png

    What Is Splinterlands?


    Splinterlands is a play2earn TCG (Trading Card Game) built on the Hive blockchain. Over time, you'll build up a collection of unique cards used to battle within various skill-based matches and tournaments.

    The blockchain allows you to sell your assets for crypto or rent them to other players for passive income. You can also write about the game through multiple frontends connected to the Hive blockchain like PeakD, Hive.Blog and Splintertalk to earn crypto discussing the game with others or sharing informative videos/blogs.

    There are so many ways to earn in this incredible blockchain game, so signup today and see what all the hype is about!

    Chaos Divider.png

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    Thumbnail made using Canva


    Tags :

    spt oneup play2earn neoxian palnet hivegaming giveaway

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