Awards & Dinner Night- Miss Campus.


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    Published on Aug 21, 2022
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    This weekend started out boring with nothing to do but student stuff. Or so I thought until I received a phone call from my friend @zzzinnn about an awards and dinner night happening in our school auditorium last night. I initially planned not to go because if I would go, it would be with my girlfriend, @nhaji01, but she’s not on campus at the moment.

    Because I didn’t plan to go earlier, I didn’t purchase a ticket for event. A ticket cost 15GHC if you’d bought it a day before the event on Friday or earlier. For those of us that were undecided and purchased the tickets at the entrance to the auditorium, we did so at an extra 5GHC cost, making our tickets 20GHC.

    The event was supposed to officially start at 6pm, but I know Ghanaians and our bad habit towards time, and worst of all, students of my campus. Students on my campus show up 2hours after the scheduled kickoff time. The program was officially supposed to start at 7pm, but I came 4 hours later around 11pm. In my defense, I didn’t intentionally plan to come late, I just didn’t plan to come at all.

    Everything was already setup and the event was in progress when I got there. I was disappointed to find out that I was a bit oddly dressed though. Because it was a dinner night, everyone dressed in suits and ties, official wear and tuxedos, with shoes. Well not everyone obviously, there were others dressed like me. I wore a baggy T-shirt and pant, and finished it with a Jordan sneaker. Yeah I was totally different from the crowd. I haven’t been to a dinner night before and I didn’t know what the dress code was. Hey, no one tells you that kinda stuff. I learned tonight for next time lol.

    me in white grenade Kalvin Klein T-shirt and @gunu01 in white African wear

    I liked this guy’s outfit so I took a picture so I can later get myself one lol. You won’t see how fire the outfit was because I zoomed in like a lot to capture this. He’s about to have a twin for that dress and he doesn’t even know lol.

    I got seated next to @gunu01 and a couple of my friends and enjoyed the show. Awards were given based on different categories. To be eligible for an award, you had to pick a nomination form for the category you wish to enter the award for. After nominees were accepted, next was voting, and awards were given based on nominees with the highest votes. Except for one category which I’ll tell you about in detail later. I found a lot of flaws with selecting the winners based on number of votes. One being for instance that one contests can just buy their way to an award if they were rich enough, and considering that each vote was as cheap as 50pesewas($0.05), that was more than easy to accomplish. I saw one contestant group win an award(best student team of the year) with just 10 votes. 10votes is just ($0.5). But I guess in their case, you could say it was because they were the only team nominated so it was only natural they won.

    The awards I witnessed presented were: Student Entrepreneur of the year, Most Popular Student (Male and Female both), Most Fashionable Student, after an hour into the program since I came, I started to ask about food lol. I was hungry and so was everyone else apparently. I can only imagine how the people who came 5 hours ago at the scheduled time were feeling, if me who came an hour ago was already asking for food.

    After 30 minutes of waiting, our table was served. We each received a plate of vegetable salad with chicken, and a rather weird addition. It was round and soft and most of us thought it was more meat at first and got excited. To our surprise, it was mashed yam that was fried together with meat. I thought I wouldn’t like it, but surprise again, I LOVED IT! I couldn’t have enough of it lol. And now it was on to the final award of the year. What everyone’s been waiting for.

    Life of the party- Miss CKT-UTAS

    This was the last category for the night as it was the most important. My phone just had to die at the best part of the night because I didn’t charge it prior to the event since I didn’t plan ln coming. So forgive me for the next few pictures that are not of as high quality as the first because I took them with someone else’s phone. They weren’t that bad though:)

    If you follow beauty pageants at all, you know, this was where the life of the party was. You remember I told you all award winners were selected on the basis of the votes they had except one? Yeah this is the one. For miss CKT-UTAS, it was more of a beauty pageant. Miss CKT-UTAS is like the pageant contest of my school(CK Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences). For this category, the winner was selected on more than just the basis of ghe number of votes they got. Their look, beauty, presentation and other stuff as well as voted were considered.(I think so lol). In my head, this was fucked up in some way, but I wasn’t on the deciding panel so what concern do I have with this? There were 7 contestants, and eviction was done until there were 2, one second runner up, and the winner.

    After the Miss CKT UTAS award winner was crowned, the event pretty much ended. People started leaving and the DJ ended things with Wiz Khalifa’s. We called it a night at 3am. You might think this is late, but I assure you, we didn’t it see it like that. When I came first year the awards and dinner night closed at 5am lol. We were lucky enough it closed early this time and the pending rain missed us by just 30 minutes. I’m sure people that were still at the venue will have an extra part of the story to tell lol. Anyways, these are some more pictures at the event. There was a red carpet photography spot, but I was too shy to go there so no red carpets for you guys.😂

    That was it for Saturday and pretty much the entire weekend because I don’t think it get’s better than this(unless my girlfriend get’s back lol). Thanks for reading. Have a great rest of your weekend and a great week ahead. Ciao.

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    lifestyle pageant dinner university fun proofofbrain neoxian prooofbrain hiveghana ghana

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