🎧 ELECTRIC BASS PRACTICE//PRÁCTICA DE BAJO ELÉCTRICO🎧 - 🎸Cover: Dirty Little Thing | Band//Banda: Velvet Revolver 🎸


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    Published on Oct 25, 2020
    About :

    "Dirty Little Thing"
    Velvet Revolver

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    What's up, Hivers. Let's talk a bit about Heavy Metal, with a band that was really a Project of members of other bands, what we know as a meeting of friends. "Velvet Revolver" is a band born by the meeting of three members of Guns and Roses, who after a presentation motivated to an act for the benefit of drummer Randy Castillo in 2002, they decided to create a project as a band after noticing that they still had good chemistry with each other. Slash, Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum, were those members of the Guns and Roses, who decided to form a new project, holding auditions to find a good vocalist, it is here where several vocalists of recognized bands perform,

    but they did not comply with what the project required, it is here when “Scott Weiland” appears, who at that time was the vocalist of Stone Temple Pilots, but in order not to create any controversy due to certain difficulties of that band, it was not possible to give entry to Weiland. But after a while and due to internal problems of the band, the stones separate, thus achieving another opportunity Weiland, to enter the project that still had no name and that at the suggestion of slash and weiland adopted the name by which it is known to this day Today's "Velvet Revolver." [Information link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velvet_Revolver]

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    Image Source//Fuente de la Imagen

    Que tal, Hivers. Hablemos un poco de Heavy Metal, con una banda que realmente fue un Proyecto de integrantes de otras bandas, lo que conocemos como una reunión de amigos. “Velvet Revolver” es una banda nacida por la reunión de tres miembros de Guns and Roses, quienes luego de una presentación motivado a un acto a beneficio del baterista Randy castillo en el año 2002, se decidieron crear un proyecto como banda luego de notar que aún tenían una buena química entre ellos. Slash, Duff McKagan y Matt Sorum, fueron esos integrantes de los Guns and Roses, quienes decidieron formar un nuevo proyecto, realizando audiciones para hallar un buen vocalista, es aquí donde se presentan varios vocalistas de bandas reconocidas, pero no cumplían con lo que requería el proyecto, es acá cuando aparece “Scott Weiland” quien para ese entonces era el vocalista de Stone Temple Pilots, pero para no crear alguna controversia por ciertas dificultades de esa banda, no se pudo dar el ingreso a Weiland. Pero pasado un tiempo y por problemas internos de la banda los stones se separan logrando así otra oportunidad Weiland, para entrar en el proyecto que aún no tenía nombre y que por sugerencia de slash y weiland adoptó el nombre por el cual es conocido hasta el día de hoy “Velvet Revolver”. [Información tomada del siguiente link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velvet_Revolver]


    "Dirty Little Thing" is one of the most powerful songs of this project band, belonging to the first studio album that was released in 2004 and has the name of "contraband" which just came on the market took the number one position in the Billboard charts and was dedicated to the memory of Drummer Randy Castillo. This song has one of the most striking videos of the band, maintaining its rock star style, with an irreverent style and surrounded by many models, which is very common in Hard Rock. [information link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraband_(%C3%A1lbum)]

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    “Dirty Little Thing” es uno de los temas más poderosos de esta banda proyecto, perteneciente al primer álbum de estudio que fue lanzado en el año 2004 y tiene el nombre de “contraband” el cual apenas salió al mercado tomó el puesto número uno en las listas Billboard y fue dedicado a la memoria del Baterista Randy Castillo. Este tema tiene uno de los videos más llamativos de la banda, manteniendo su estilo de rock star, con un estilo irreverente y rodeados de muchas modelos, cosa que es muy común en el Hard Rock. [link de la información: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraband_(%C3%A1lbum)]

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    Image Source//Fuente de la Imagen


    "Dirty Little Thing" - Velvet Revolver(Bass Cover)

    Can't stop thinking must of been tripping this evening
    My mind is racing demons and all of my feelings are numb
    Yeah and when I roll with my head in the wind
    And I feel like the king of the
    Dead men wishing they had gotten together with you girl
    But you're a dirty little liar with a message of obsession to come
    You got your head in the clouds and your world's upside down
    Get away from the life you're living
    Get away from the man that's stealing your life
    Get away from the drugs you're taking
    Get away from the film of sex in your life
    Can't stop drinking I'm cold kicking and bleeding
    The wine is numbing feelings and all of my memories are gone
    Yeah and when I roll with my head in the wind
    And I feel like the king of the
    Dead men wishing they had gotten together with you girl
    But you're a dirty little liar with a message of obsession to come
    You got your head in the clouds and your world's upside down
    Get away from the life you're living
    Get away from the man that's stealing your life
    Get away from the drugs you're taking
    Get away from the film of sex in your life

    composers: Saul Hudson / Scott Richard Weiland / Duff Rose Mc Kagan / Matt Sorum / Keith Nelson / Anthony Frank Newton / Peter Franklin


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