Hive openmic mi week #202 Contando una Historia❤️Cover @adrianalara ❤️ Con mis labios y mi vida


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    Published on Feb 22, 2024
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    **Hola apreciada comunidad de @hiveopenmic Dios les bendiga grandemente, ya estanos en la semana #202 Cuya tematica es Contando una Historia,
    tal vez hay muchas historias y fantasías que contar, pero yo me enfoco en la Historia de mi Cristo 🙏 una historia que creo que ya muchos conocen, Jesus el Hijo de Dios que vino a este mundo a morir por la humanidad, para que todo aquel que en el crea tenga vida eterna **

    Hello appreciated community of @hiveopenmic God bless you greatly, we are already in week #202 whose theme is Telling a Story,
    Maybe there are many stories and fantasies to tell, but I focus on the Story of my Christ 🙏 a story that I think many already know, Jesus the Son of God who came to this world to die for humanity, so that everyone May I have eternal life in Him

    yo tengo mi historia tambien, antes tenia una vida muy desordenada y me la pasaba en fiesta y haciendo lo malo, pero ya hace 15 años que supe la
    histora de este maravilloso hombre de quien le hablo, Jesus, una iglesia cristiana donde habia una campaña mi madre padecia ya desde hace meses con un dolor en la columna y como yo habia escuchado que Jesús sana a tra vez de sus Siervos yo lleve a mi mama creyendo y Mi Cristo la sano de ese dolo, y fue alli donde yo decidi aceptar a Cristo como mi salvador y hasta ahora me mantengo en sus caminos e visto muchas cosas extraordinarias y no me arrepiento a el le sirvo y seguire hasta su venida

    I have my story too, before I had a very disordered life and I spent my time partying and doing bad things, but it's been 15 years since I found out.
    story of this wonderful man I am talking about, Jesus, a Christian church where there was a campaign, my mother had been suffering for months with pain in her spine and since I had heard that Jesus heals through his Servants, I took my mother believing and My Christ healed her from that idol, and it was there where I decided to accept Christ as my savior and until now I remain in his ways and have seen many extraordinary things and I do not regret him, I serve him and I will continue until his coming

    en esta oportunidad me estan acompañando mis 2 princesas , @leqndrys y @ruthlopez le traemos este tema titulado Con mis labios y mi vida Canción de Emir Sensini
    Siempre le agradecemos a Dios por su amor hacia nosotros, el lo es todo para mi familia, espero y les guste bendiciones 🙏

    On this occasion, my 2 princesses are accompanying me, @leqndrys and @ruthlopez, we bring you this song titled With my lips and my life Song by Emir Sensini
    We always thank God for his love towards us, he is everything to my family, I hope you like it, blessings 🙏

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