It's my Hive birthday! 🥳


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    Published on Dec 29, 2021
    About :


    Four years ago, today, I finally created my first post on what is now the Hive blockchain. It took quite a bit of getting used to, primarily due to the steep learning curve, but I finally got my head around what was an “active key”, “posting key”, “memo key”, and so on. I got exactly zero upvotes for my first few posts but finally some tiny amounts started creeping in.

    Some videos by Exyle and Roxane, the latter albeit mostly in French, were quite handy in my early days here, but what really helped was finding a tribe of like-minded content creators to hold my hand through the process. I found such a community in “Dtube Daily”, with whom I spent countless weeks whiling away time on Discord.

    Meeting people from the community for the first time in real life was what totally changed everything. I attended a meet-up in London put together by Redrica and others. It was there I met some big hitters on the blockchain that then went on to support my content until I had my feet well on the ground.

    Attending the annual meet-up in Krakow was another moment I will never forget. Being together in the same city with hundreds of people from the blockchain community was an experience of a life time. I made some very good connections during that event, some which have stayed till today.


    We then had the hostile takeover event, which led to the birth of the Hive blockchain. Hive, of course, is a much better chain than Steem ever was. It was an opportunity to make some corrections to mistakes of the past.

    I’ve had ups and downs here, but it’s been a net positive. I have big hopes for Hive for the future. I’m going to be here for as long as it and I exist. Shoutout to all the OGs and all the people that have engaged with my content over the years.

    Peace & Love,

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    hive blockchain community

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